Triton Laser equipment
Aesthetic laser office of Dr. Julian Penev has a full range of gold standart medical laser systems:
Pulsed CO2 surgery and ablative laser for surgery treatment;
RF CO2 laser for deep fractional resurfacing and scars remova- FasetLift ™;
Copper bromide laser for treatment of vascular dermatoses and melasma - FEM® technology ;
Q modulated Nd: Yag laser for decorative tattoos removal;
Long pulse Nd: Yag laser for vascular lesions treatment;
Er: YAG laser for skin rejuvenation.
is a trademark of Dr. Julian Penev and incorporates laser systems and know-how methods for achiving best therapeutic and aesthetic results after dermato-cosmetologist laser procedure.
TritonLaser™ is the leading standard for therapeutic and aesthetic efficiency and good clinical practice, which was developed and perfected over three decades of clinical experience. It includes quality control of parameters of laser radiation, risk assessment and option to be selected optimal laser procedure and protocol for every dermatosis.
TritonLaser™ standard avoids performance of procedures with low, questionable, dangerous, scientifically unfounded or unproven effectiveness.
Dr. Julian Penev
Dr. Julian Penev e multidisciplinary researcher, pioneer and enthusiast working in the field of clinical application of variety of lasers in dermatology. He developed new laser systems based on powerful diode lasers and is working mainly on the problems of aging skin, photodynamic therapy of acne and innovative scanning system for deep laser resurfacing with RF excited CO2 lasers and Er: YAG lasers.
Also Dr. Julian Penev is maintaining close relationship with the Research Unit of Applied Laser Physics at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee and Lebedev Physical Institute (Fiano) of RAS, Moscow.
He is a member of the Bulgarian Medical Association as well as of Bulgarian Society of Aesthetic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine.